Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Blind Leading The Blind

I have always been receiving very beautiful messages from one of my yahoo groups and found this one, very appropriate, in my own opinion, nowadays upon observing that people are trying to blame one other for the misfortunes that come our way. I think this is from today's Gospel.

The Blind Leading The Blind

It is not good to ask a blind person to lead another blind person on an obstacle course. It is sure to end in some injury. Today's Gospel warns of the pitfall of becoming the judge of another as we are just as prone to sin as the others are and we are therefore not in the best position to cast judgment on them. The implication of this is that we should concentrate on our own responsibility to grow in holiness rather than on judging others. In any case, the greatest form of judgment we can bring to the life of another is the direct witness of our own life of holiness. Without the personal witness of holiness, any judgment we make on others opens us up to the accusation of hypocrisy.

Jesus often calls His disciples to focus on their own response to the grace of God rather than that of their neighbour. It is a very good principle to remember. When we judge others without taking care of our own holiness, whatever advice we give to others will just boomerang on us.
The call of holiness is universal — none of us can avoid it. In fact, it is the basis of any vocational calling we have. Without growing in holiness, we will not be able to successfully pursue our calling. Jesus' life witnesses to this truth as we can see through His commitment to prayer notwithstanding that He is one with the Father and the Spirit in the Trinity. Even Jesus knows the necessity to be committed to the basic aspects of His relationship with His Father. Thus He was and remains an example for us to follow, and to draw inspiration from, so we can make the necessary decisions that will keep us firmly rooted in the love of God and His grace. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL

Reflection Question:
How committed am I to living out the fullness of the Christian calling to live a holy life? Am I taking short cuts that can give me problems later on?

Holy Spirit, I need Your grace to convince me that the basics of a life of holiness are essential — namely, prayer, reading the Scriptures and the lives of the saints, and studying the teachings of the Church.

St. Patiens of Lyons, Bishop, pray for us.

For me, living a holy life is not really as simple as what one thinks. Just wanna share also this quote I've always been seeing on ads posted across in our city, "A saint is a sinner who always tries to be one." Enjoy life!:)

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